Tuesday, February 27, 2018

MAMA CHIMES IN: On Names and Kicking

by Ellen RM Toner

Ellie here. Hello! As some of you know, Jamey is not the only one in our household who likes to write. A tricky part of life since last June has been that I’ve been too out of it to really write much of anything, something I was distressed about because I have a wretched memory and writing is how I remember all the big things. And here we were growing a little person and I was going to get to the end of the nine months and it was all going to be a fog! (As Jamey has mentioned, I had HG, which means absurd amounts of vomiting and exhaustion all through pregnancy.)  I was so grateful when Jamey started this blog; he’s given us the written record I couldn’t.

Writer in training.

One thing I did manage to do every now and again was write to our little one. Of course, not enough! And not with any particular point or big reveal. But I’m glad of what we have, and I wanted to share a bit of that with you.

Sonya Magdalena Rose was born at home last Thursday. We have had some queries about her name, which we can understand, as we are decidedly not of Russian descent. (By the way, we know there are multiple ways to spell and pronounce her first name; we are saying it with an “OH” sound, as in, Hey SOHN-ya, I will PHONE-ya later!) In one letter that I wrote to her, I explained why we chose her names, what they mean to us. So, if you are curious about that (and a few other things, too), here it is.

Please do remember her in your prayers this Sunday as she is baptized and receives her name formally. And pray for us, as we start trying to get her to heaven!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017
21 weeks and 1 day
Dear Little Girl,

We have had quite a week, you and I! First off, I looked down a few days ago and realized that all of a sudden you were indeed quite visible from the outside. It’s taken a long time for you to show, but as of last Saturday I have officially gained my very first pound, and even went up three pounds in a week. This, I think, means that you have been growing outrageously. At our appointment with the Ob/Gyn last Thursday, the doctor most hilariously said that you weigh about 3 sticks of butter, with an extra pat or two thrown in. Way to go, little girl! You’re almost a foot tall now, too (10.5 inches).

Other important things that have happened: well, you surprised us a great deal by being a little girl instead of a little boy. It’s not that we wanted a boy more or a girl more; I just had this really strong feeling that we were having a boy. Turns out I was very, very wrong! I can’t believe I actually get to name a daughter Sonya Magdalena Rose. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for like, 5 years. Thank you, little girl, for giving me the opportunity! Just so you know, you are primarily named for the heroine of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Her name means “wisdom” and comes from the old Greek name, Sophia. She’s always been my favorite of any heroine because she is something most surprisingly good, lovely, profoundly redemptive and utterly generous. She’s not so much of a fine lady that she is not intimately connected with the ugly world and people around her, but her nobility of character means that she is never sullied by it. I think of her as the bright light that Dickens wanted all of his leading ladies to be, but they were usually too flat to be interesting. She is real. While I hope and pray that you never find yourself in such desperate straits as she did, I do hope that you have the chutzpah to meet adversity with her grace, and also to redeem the people around you by your strength and the beauty of your nature. As I’m sure you’ll hear from both your father and from me, Dostoevsky famously said that beauty will save the world. God willing, you will be a part of that.

You are also named for St. Mary Magdalen. Like Sonya, she was a woman in a profession that the world does not look kindly upon, but she was much beloved and defended by Jesus Himself, and in return showed him unstinting devotion and generosity. Again, while I don’t wish her hardships on you, I do hope and pray that you are the sort of person who will always give to others with unmeasured exuberance, rooted first and foremost in an unshakeable devotion to our dear Lord, knowing that He will always be there to defend you and lift you up when you feel like the whole world is against you. Magdalena means “lady from Magdala,” Magdala in turn being the name of a town that means “tower.” Finally, we are calling you Rose because it fits aesthetically with your other names, and because St. Rose of Lima has always been one of my favorite saints (which is why she is one of my Confirmation patrons). So, all things together, your name means something like The Wise Lady from the Rose Tower. I do so hope that this is the sort of thing that will interest you one day!

The night before we “found you out” was most especially significant for your dad, because he felt you kick for the very first time, at 20 weeks and 2 days. I’ve been feeling you inside me for about 5 weeks now, I think, but I’ll have to go back and check for sure. Whenever you get particularly active, usually in the evenings when I’m lying on my back (lying on my side makes me queasy, so yes, I do the “bad thing” and lie on my back), I’ll take your dad’s hand and put it wherever you’re kicking. But he’s never felt you move before! He did feel what we think was your back maybe two weeks ago, when you were curled up in a ball with you back pressing out against my tummy, and he could feel you all compact inside me. But that kick, little Sonya! It was such a special moment. So much of this pregnancy has not been the joyful miracle that I hoped for and pictured. It’s been such hard work, and terribly lonesome, and incredibly humbling. And I don’t mean humbling in the awe-inspiring and truth-revealing way that people sometimes mean it (or at least if it is that, I haven’t gotten there yet). I mean humbling in the abject humiliation kind of way. Not a whole lot of roses and happiness---just impatience and frustration and even anger at so many things, and also shame at my physical weakness. But when your dad felt you the first time, all of that melted away for a few blessed moments. It was everything I hoped for and more. You kicked or punched him so hard that he actually gasped and his whole body started in surprise, and he teared up, and all at once because you were known to someone outside of me, you became so much more real, not just to him but also to me. You were no longer something inside me or maybe inside my head that only I knew or experienced; the sphere of your little world widened the instant your dad felt you move, and because that sphere was suddenly enlarged, I could see you better, and know you better, because I know and love your dad so much.

I should wrap things up now, as that wonderful father of yours has again cooked us some dinner. Two weeks ago I offered to keep him company while he was cooking, and he said he “needed his own space” in the kitchen. Too cute! This, as you will one day realize, means that he has taken a huge step in owning the cooking process and the kitchen in general. And tonight I suggested we could go out for a bowl of soup (for me) and a burger (for him) and he said that he’s actually rather enjoying cooking lately and would rather stay home and make dinner. Oh Sonya. The ways in which this man has changed for you and me. Talk about miracles!

Love you,

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